Outdoor Toys

Easter Side-walk Chalk
Let your child display their artistic talent on the sidewalk with this multicolored easter egg-shaped chalk. Yellow, blue, orange, and many other colors of the rainbow! Who knows, you might be impressed by the masterpiece they will design on the sidewalk.

Stomp Rocket
Nothing beats a stomp rocket that you can launch up in the space. Before you start asking, there's no need to worry. This toy contains no explosives nor fire. It simply works by the magic of pressure: a notion that will surely intrigue your kid's curiosity.

Walky Talky
Using walky talkies doesn't only sound fun, but it will add more excitement to your kids' Easter day. Hunting the eggs using the Exploration kit and discussing with the partners in the mission will give the Easter experience an even more realistic touch!

Fortnite Water Blaster
Chances are, your kid is probably already addicted to the popular game: Fortnite . So why not get him off the screens on Easter day and give him some real-life action? This Super Soaker Water Blaster will be his weapon to completely soak the enemies!

Exploration Kit
Your kid is dedicated to the adventure of finding Easter eggs, and they take it more serious than you would expect. Give them the perfect kit that would help them succeed at this mission. A backpack, binoculars, flashlight and a whistle is all the equipment they will need!