36 Best Gifts From Russia | Traditional Russian Gifts And Souvenirs

  • Read time: 8 min
  • Publication date: 24.01.2019
Contents Souvenirs from St. Petersburg Gifts from Kazan Traditional Russian gifts Gifts to bring from Sochi Moscow Souvenirs

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Russian Gifts and Souvenirs to Bring Home

Russia has always been famous for its folk craftsmen and their wonderful works of art which can make a nice gift. Valenki, matryoshka, balalaika, samovar, Pavlovo Posad shawls, Vologda lace, Khokhloma and Gzhel ceramics – choose any Russian souvenir you like from any part of this vast country. Every region has its own distinctive features and unique crafts. Here is a selection of the most interesting gifts to bring back from Russia.


Souvenirs from St. Petersburg

The North Capital, the Second Capital, the City on the Neva and the main cultural capital of Russia – this is all about Saint Petersburg. You can easily bump into people reading Pushkin in the streets, and the city itself seems to be infused with melancholy. Here is a list of things to buy in Saint Petersburg.

Podstakannik (tea glass holder)

If you want to surprise your family or friends, buy them a podstakannik. This unusual souvenir is commonly used in Russian trains. Tea glasses in trains are always served with the help of podstakannik, to prevent the tea from spilling around. The history of this item goes back more than 200 years.

from $20
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“Raketa” and “Pobeda” watch

Petrodvorets Watch Factory «Raketa» releases a limited collection of watches, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Back in the old days only military officers, politicians, artists, shock workers, and veterans of labor owned these watches.

from $40
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Opera Glasses

Going to St. Petersburg and missing its theatres is the same as going to Italy and missing Venice. You will surely need opera glasses while visiting this city. This is a cool souvenir for an ardent theatergoer, and it may come in handy for simple everyday tasks (watching your neighbors or whatever).

from $14
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Emperor’s Porcelain

The legendary “Cobalt Net” style white-blue tea set is a signature product of Emperor’s Porcelain Factory. The pattern was designed by artist Anna Yatskevich and it turned into a symbol of blockaded Leningrad.

from $59
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Candies from St. Petersburg Chocolate Factory

“Leningradskiye” candies will remind you of the city’s recent past. This candy brand was started in the 20th century and has a lot of admirers, which keep buying their favorite sweets year after year. “The candies that taste like St. Petersburg” could be an advertising slogan for this souvenir.

from $10
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Osetra caviar is a traditional Russian delicacy with exquisite taste and a bunch of minerals, which are very good for health.

from $57
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Gifts from Kazan

Kazan is considered to be the third capital of Russia and perfectly balances Tatar and Russian culture. This city is also a sports capital, because the number of sports stadiums and sporting events is just going up through the roof! Here are some things to bring home from the capital of Tatarstan:

Tughra or Shamail

Shamail is a surah of Quran embroidered with gold threads on velvet base. Another local souvenir based upon Arabic calligraphy is Tughra. Back in earlier days it was used as a personal stamp and signature of the rulers. You can choose among ready-made tughras with Arabic or Russian inscriptions.

from $54
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“Ichigi” leather boots

In the old days everything was made by hand, and authentic ichigi are crafted exactly the same way nowadays. This traditional footwear is light, with hard heels counters and soft toes. Well crafted soft leather is decorated with traditional ornaments and sewn with special decorative Tatar stitches.

from $15
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Tatar filigree

Every woman will be overjoyed to get this intricately designed filigree jewelry! Tatar knobby filigree is the ancient technique that has been used solely by Kazan jewelers since the earliest times. If you can’t find authentic filigree, you can choose any Tatar-style jewelry, which is exciting.

from $15
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Classical tubeteika hat

One does not simply visit Kazan and leave without a tubeteika hat. This ancient male hat is called “tubetei” here, and it protects you from sun/wind/bad thoughts (just kidding!) You can find tons of them throughout Kazan, and you can choose any style, size, material and decorations you like.

from $25
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Tatar National Sweets

Chak-chak, talkysh kaleve, baursak… Sounds good and tastes awesome! The king of the local pastry is honey-dripping chak-chak. Usually it is sold packed in cardboard or plastic boxes or sold loose. These are small balls of fried dough, soaked in hot honey syrup and formed into pyramids.

from $25
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Traditional Russian gifts

Russia’s wonders are not limited to the major cities we listed. There are much more places you can visit and bring souvenirs from.

Pavlovo Posad Shawls

Pavlovo Posad town is famous for its gorgeous shawls with vibrant flower patterns. First Pavlovo Posad shawls were produced in the middle of the XIX century. These shawls are signature craft and a national pride of Russia, so it will make one of the best products to bring home from Russia.

from $30
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Orenburg Downy Shawl

A shawl from Orenburg is a practical gift that will warm you during long and cold winter. Its delicately knitted threads look like elaborate frost patterns on the window. Long ago a shawl knitted of goat down, brought by a fiancée or a husband, was the most desirable gift for a girl in Russia.

from $57
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Kazakovo filigree

Kazakovo village in Nizhniy Novgorod region is famous for its ancient jewelry technique called filigree. The finest wire of precious metals is twisted into exquisitely crafted open-work items. The most popular ones are made of silver.

from $29
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Yelets Handmade Lace

Historically Vologda town is considered the origin of lace making in Russia. However, Yelets town is quite a match for Vologda, as the pieces made by local craftswomen are thinner, lighter and more delicate. Lace making has arrived to Russia at the end of the XVIII century.

from $45
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Zlatoust steel engraving

If your gift is intended for a businessman, consider these collectible weapons created by craftsmen of Zlatoust city. Their unique style is renowned throughout the world. Cossack saber, Old Russian sword, hussar saber is a worthy gift if you are sure that it will match the interior of the house.

from $86
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Bashkir honey

Bashkir honey is highly valued in Russia and in Europe. The reason is its benefits for health and excellent taste. Diastatic power is the means of measuring the quality of honey: the higher, the better. Diastatic power of South Russia honey is 5-8, Altaic one is up to 18 and Bashkir honey is 22-50.

from $18
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Zhostovo Metal Trays

Traditional Zhostovo painting depicts large and vibrant flowers on the dark saturated background. This handicraft emerged when tea spread all over Russia. Before that people drank herbal teas, sbiten and mead. The tea ceremony called for new accessories, that is why the Zhostovo trays were invented.

from $14
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Palekh Miniature

Since the earlier days Palekh village has been renowned for its artists and a peculiar painting style. Their ingeniously created miniature lacquer painting became one of the main symbols of Russia. Palekh jewelry boxes are very popular among tourists.

from $5
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Gifts to bring from Sochi

Recently Sochi has turned into Russia’s favorite place to go on a vacation. If you are fed up with corny seashell souvenirs, Olympic bear mascots, cutting boards from Khosta and fake Bosco T-shirts, here is something interesting:

“Gifts from Krasnaya Polyana”

This gift is for foodies. This winery produces liqueurs, wines, aperitifs, nastoikas and bitters. You can find quite unusual sorts of alcohol here. For example, “Krasnaya Polyana” herbal liqueur is made from 24 different herbs and 8 fruits, and bottled into a beautiful gift ceramic container.

from $5
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Dried Persimmon

Persimmon is one of main symbols of Sochi. Dried persimmon is good for your health, it is delicious and it lasts a long time. Besides, you will have the sheer fun of presenting this bunch of some grey-brownish stuff to your friend with the words “this is for you”. Enjoy the reaction!

from $20
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“Sochi” Sweatshirt

The taste of churchkhela and the sound of the sea inside of a seashell interpreted by industrial mentality, this is what “Fabrika” creative lab is all about. “Fabrika” dared to take a new look at commonplace souvenirs from Sochi and conveys it through sweatshirts, T-shirts, metal mugs and magnets.

from $40
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Atauchi Jewelry

Recently handmade craft has been developing by leaps and bounds in Sochi. Take a look at Atauchi Jewelry filled with love for mountains and Quechua people’s culture. One of the collections is called Rasu (“snow-capped peaks”) and every element of it will remind you of Krasnaya Polyana’s mountains.

from $50
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Krasnodar tea

This resort city hosts six major tea companies which pick no less than 300 tons of tea leaves a year. This is mostly whole leaf pekoe tea, selected tippy and broken leaf tea. And all these sorts are excellent! By the way, “Matsesta tea” brand won “Product of the year” prize a few years ago.

from $22
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Moscow Souvenirs

Moscow is the first and the main destination point of every first-time tourist. This city is flooded with people and filled with authentic Russian souvenirs – you can buy any gift ever produced in any part of the country here.


Balalaika is the most famous traditional Russian musical instrument. Nobody knows its exact origin and the time it came to Russia. They say that its name came from Tatar language. In Tatar “balalar” means “children”, and Russian word “balakat’” (to speak, babble like children do) derives from it.

from $20
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Kokoshnik a la Russe

Kokoshnik, which is a symbol of traditional Russian women’s costume, has charmed all the major couturiers and has been turned into a trendy and stylish accessory. This elegant headwear will make a splendid gift to bring back from Russia, especially if it is intended for an avid fashionista.

from $110
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Souvenir Moscow Subway Post Cards

The Moscow Subway is one of the most beautiful in the world. You can share your impressions with your friends at home and send them a post card with the photos of subway stations. There are 22 cards of new and old stations showing all the beauty of the sculptures and the internals of the subway.

from $12
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Knitted Mittens

Everyone knows that it is freezing cold in Russia. You may want to feel it for a moment (just to have a glipmse of the Russian winter), but then put on warm wool mittens and feel the warm Russian soul. Try them on and feel like a real Russian!

from $9
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Ivan-Chai (Rosebay) Tea

Ivan-chai, made from bay rose leaves has always been one of the most popular ones. It was supplied for the Emperor’s table and exported abroad. Bay rose is considered very good for health. It boosts your immune system and cleanses the organism, and contains a lot of vitamin C and important minerals.

from $35
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Snow Globe

You can bring a snow globe almost from every country you visit as a tourist, but anyway, a tiny St. Basil’s Cathedral from Moscow is a must have! The central cathedral ensemble in Kremlin is so nice to have on your mantelpiece along with other souvenirs from different countries.

from $63
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These warm felt boots made of sheep wool have earned love and respect of all Russian people. Valenki is the perfect footwear to protect your feet from bitter Russian cold. These boots came to Russia during the Golden Horde period through Turkic and Mongol people.

from $80
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An electric samovar in traditional Gzhel style is a cool Russian souvenir for anyone. A bit bulky to bring back from your trip, but you will appreciate it as soon as you see it in your kitchen. Turn it on and suddenly you will feel generous and broad Russian soul in every corner of your house.

from $13
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This stuffed toy with big round ears is a famous cartoon hero, loved by everyone in Russia.You can find variants of this souvenir, but take a closer look at this particular one. This Cheburashka can move his hands with tiny fingers and turn his head as if listening attentively to the speaker.

from $18
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Customized Matryoshka doll

Russian nesting doll first was made in Sergiyev Posad as a toy for children. Its name originates from Matryona, which was a common female Russian name at that time. Today you can order a customized Matryoshka dolls made from the photo of your family

from $15
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The collection of old Soviet movies, gift edition

This is the classics of Soviet and Russian cinema and iconic movies for every Russian. It doesn’t matter that the movies are in Russian, you can buy this set as a perfect gift for your language-learning friend or start studying Russian language and culture yourself!

from $24
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Every gift you bring home from your trip to Russia will represent some part of its rich culture and multiple handicrafts. But what is more important, every souvenir you take with you will bring a piece of Russian hospitality and big heart to your home.

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